If you’re going to be removing a lot of junk from your home, you’ll want to rent a dumpster. If you have a dumpster on hand, it’ll be easy for you to dispose of everything. However, it can be hard for people to figure out how much a dumpster actually holds. Read on to learn what you need to know about dumpsters.

10 Yard Dumpsters

This size of dumpster is ideal for small to medium projects. It can hold 10 cubic yard’s worth of material. That’s about three times as much as what you would be able to fit in the back of a pick-up truck. A dumpster of this size is great if you don’t have a lot of yard space. A dumpster like this won’t take up much room at all. With that said, it isn’t ideal for bigger projects. It may sound like you have a lot of space, but your dumpster will wind up filling up very quickly.

15 Yard Dumpsters

If you want something a little bit bigger than a 10-yard dumpster, but don’t have room for something too large, this kind of dumpster is the perfect compromise. Those five extra yards can really make a big difference. A dumpster like this can carry around 4 and a half pickup load’s worth of debris.

20 Yard Dumpsters

This dumpster size is one of the most popular rentals. It’s great for medium size projects. If you’re doing home renovations, this kind of dumpster should be able to handle most of your junk.

This dumpster can hold about twice as much as a 10-yard dumpster can — six pickup loads of debris. It will take up a fair amount of space in a yard, so make sure you have enough room for it before you rent it. These dumpsters are usually about 14 feet long.

30 Yard Dumpsters

If you’re handling a larger home improvement project, like a roof renovation, you’re going to need a dumpster that is big enough for all of the debris. A dumpster this large will be able to hold all of your waste. These dumpsters are about 20 feet long, which means that they won’t work in every kind of yard. However, if you have the room for it, it can hold about 9 pickup truck bed’s worth of debris. You’ll be able to dispose of everything you need to without an issue.

Find A Dumpster that Fits Your Needs

Take a close look at the measurements of all of the dumpsters that you’re considering. Try to get the biggest dumpster that you have space available. It’s better to have too much area than it is to run out of space. Rent a dumpster from a reputable company that will be easy for you to work with. You’ll be able to clear away all your junk without a big hassle. Renting a dumpster can make your life a lot easier, especially if you take the time to find the ideal dumpster size for you.